CIRCULAR ECONOMY – moral obligation


Here at BEAM Airport Services we are deeply concerned about how construction affects the environment.

Our workforce is trained to constantly monitor and reduce our impact on land, air and water.

We are focused on:

  • Identifying the environmental impact of all our operations
  • Managing and reducing the waste produced, and reusing and recycling where possible
  • Providing environmental training for all our staff, covering current legislation, good site practice, waste management, ground contamination
  • Making efficient use of natural resources by minimising waste and conserving energy and water
  • Adopting appropriate procedures, practice and operating guidelines, including measurable targets
  • Controlling construction processes and design to protect the natural environment and built heritage
  • Ensuring that construction materials are ethically procured and used

We are a registered carrier and broker of controlled waste with the Environment Agency.

Our aim is to exceed the requirements for better utilisation of resources.